The challenge

Innovative Grid Solutions for Small Hydropower

As the energy market shifts toward renewables, small-scale hydropower plants (HPP) face mounting challenges to contribute effectively to grid stability and balance services.

Key challenges

Aggregated Control

Combine control of production from multiple small-scale / RoR HPP, with energy storage in supercaps and batteries, as one large equivalent powerplant with sufficient response time and storage capacity for grid balancing services («aggregated control»).

Virtual reservoir

Utilize storage capacities in intake reservoirs and transients in waterway

Advanced Turbine control

Improved turbine control for intermittent energy delivery from supercaps to limit negative environmental effects and reduced wear of equipment.

Objective of our solution

  • Develop an intelligent control system for coordinated control of small hydro utilizing supercap technology and digital twins to enable grid balancing services
  • Enable small scale HP/RoR to contribute to reserve markets balance services

What´s the Word on the Solution

Kelda Kraft’s solutions are helping us future-proof our hydropower operations while supporting environmental goals.
Ole-Petter Bjørnstad, Business developer at Tinfos PowerTech

Tinfos Collaboration

Early results with Tinfos demonstrate Kelda Kraft’s capacity to stabilize and optimize hydropower networks, showing both environmental and financial benefits.